FTA September Conferences
The Freight Transport Association (FTA) host yearly conferences to bend the ears of transport managers from all industries and make sure businesses have all the information on latest legislation and how it will effect them.
The events are sponsored by Iveco, Good Year Tyres and Microlise and last year brought 1200 delegates to the 12 different venues nationwide.
This year, the local Traffic Commissioners will ‘top the Bill’, having one at each event outlining the most important legislation as well as local issues and developments.
The list of topics that will be discussed between events this year is ever-expanding, as the bigger talking points being the recent result of the EU referendum, seemingly overshadows other topics.
Driver safety and new licensing laws could take a back seat as EU legislation will be discussed – What might still effect UK haulage and what might not. However, at this point, facts are shrouded by clouds of speculation.
To find out more, or to book your place for the conferences starting next month, we recommend visiting the FTA site.